Lithuanian Culture Guide
Kamilė Gudmonaitė
The young generation director Kamilė Gudmonaitė (b. 1992) received her BA in directing from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and …
Paulius Ignatavičius
The actor and director Paulius Ignatavičius (b. 1984) obtained a BA in theatre directing from the Lithuanian Academy of Music …
Eglė Kazickaitė ir Greta Gudelytė
The directors and actors Greta Gudelytė (b. 1986) and Eglė Kazickaitė (b. 1988) studied drama directing at the Faculty …
Agnius Jankevičius
The most productive theatre director of his generation, Agnius Jankevičius (b. 1979) studied directing at the Lithuanian Academy of …
Oskaras Koršunovas
The theatre and opera director Oskaras Koršunovas (b. 1969) is the most prominent member of the middle generation of Lithuanian …
Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė
Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė (b. 1983), theatre and film director and cinematographer of the young generation, is an artist of a distinct, …
Artūras Areima
The younger-generation theatre director Artūras Areima (born 1982) graduated in events management from Klaipėda University in 2004, which he followed …
Agnija Šeiko
Choreographer, dancer and educator Agnija Šeiko (b. 1977) holds a BA in Choreography and an MA in Theatre Studies from …
Marius Pinigis
The dancer, choreographer and teacher Marius Pinigis (b. 1986) studied political sciences at Vytautas Magnus University, from which he graduated …
Vytis Jankauskas
The older generation dancer, choreographer and educator Vytis Jankauskas (b. 1968) is considered to be one of the most …
Birutė Letukaitė
The dancer, choreographer and dance teacher Birutė Letukaitė (b. 1953) is the founder and leader of the first Lithuanian contemporary …
Aira Naginevičiūtė
The dancer, choreographer and educator Aira Naginevičūtė (b. 1965) is an outstanding Lithuanian dance artist who creates complex large-scale dance …