Lithuanian Culture Guide
Laima Kreivytė
The poet and art critic Laima Kreivytė (b. 1972) is an exceptional personality in the Lithuanian poetry scene. First of …
Giedrė Kazlauskaitė
Giedrė Kazlauskaitė (b. 1980) is a poet, prose writer, essayist, literary critic and editor of the literary journal Šiaurės Atėnai. …
Aušra Kaziliūnaitė
Aušra Kaziliūnaitė (b. 1987) is one of the brightest poetic stars of her generation. She is a doctoral student of …
Donaldas Kajokas
The poet and prose writer Donaldas Kajokas (b. 1953) studied at the Kaunas Institute of Physical Education and worked as …
Antanas A. Jonynas
Antanas A. Jonynas (b. 1953) is a poet and translator of Goethe’s Faust. He made his debut in 1977. Jonynas …
Jurgita Jasponytė
The creative works of the poet Jurgita Jasponytė (b. 1981) combine symbols of ethnic culture with the experiences of a …
Gintaras Grajauskas
Gintaras Grajauskas (b. 1966) is a poet, prose writer, playwright and musician. After graduating from a preparatory music school, he …
Vaiva Grainytė
The author Vaiva Grainytė (b. 1984) writes poetry, essays and drama, and works on interdisciplinary theatre projects. Gorilos Archyvai (The …
Daiva Čepauskaitė
Daiva Čepauskaitė (b. 1967) is a poet, dramatist and member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union. She originally graduated from the …
Marius Burokas
Poet and translator Marius Burokas (b. 1977) is one of the most striking voices of his generation. After completing his …
Lina Buividavičiūtė
Helsinkio sindromas (Helsinki Syndrome, 2017), the debut collection of poems by the poet and literary critic Lina Buividavičiūtė (b. 1986), …
Vladas Braziūnas
The poet and translator Vladas Braziūnas (b. 1952) wrote his first book of poetry in 1977 but it lay neglected …