Lithuanian Culture Institute

Šarūnas Leonavičius

Lietuvos kultūros institutas
Šarūnas Leonavičius

There are dozens of styles and approaches to illustrating children’s books. When drawing for children, I try to reveal the completeness of the world, that bewitching primeval mystery. The aesthetic part of the drawing is very important to me. I think people’s colour audition and aesthetic tastes form very early in life and for long.

Born: February 20, 1960, Kaunas, Lithuania.
1971 – 1978 M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts.
1978 – 1985 Graphic art studies, Lithuanian Art Institute, Faculty of Visual Art.
Vilnius, Lithuania
Book illustration, book cover design, posters, print, etching technique.
The artist has held 18 solo exhibitions in various Lithuanian cities, as well as in Austria (1998), Australia (1997) and Japan (1998). He participated in the Lithuanian Culture Days in Paris (1995), International Stamp Competition in Italy (1998), Frankfurt Book Fair (2001), children’s book illustration exhibitions in Vilnius (2006) and Kėdainiai (2006).
Illustrarium: Contemporary Lithuanian Children’s Book Illustration“, Bologna children’s book fair, Italy, 2011.
2005 1st Premium of the Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition for the book Human Star (Žmogaus žvaigždė), Vilnius, Lithuania.

2008 1st diploma of the Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition for the book The Bible of Samuel Boguslaw Chylinski (Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio Biblija), Vilnius, Lithuania.

2009 1st Premium of the Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition for the book Lithuanian Religion and Mythology (Lietuvių religija ir mitologija), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Vėjas rėjose. Burlaivių epochos atspindžiai Lietuvoje (Wind in the Yards. The Epoch of Sailing Ships in Lithuania): [historical narration], compiled by Dainius Elertas, Klaipėda: Lithuanian Maritime Museum, 2009.

Lietuvių religija ir mitologija (Lithuanian Religion and Mythology): [systemic study], Gintaras Beresnevičius, Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2008.

Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio Biblija (The Bible of Samuel Boguslaw Chylinski): [Old Testament], Vol. 1, compiled by Gina Kavaliūnaitė, Vilnius: Lithuanian Language Institute, 2007.

Žmogaus žvaigždė (Human Star): [poems], Aidas Marčėnas, Vilnius: Žara, 2004.

Linksmos pasakaitės (Merry Tales): [fairy-tales], Viktoras Miliūnas, Vilnius: Vyturys, 1986.

Donelaitis. Pažinimo medis (Donelaitis. The Tree of Knowledge): [poems], Justinas Marcinkevičius, Vilnius: Vaga, 1984.

Našlaičių eglutė (The Orphans’ Christmas Tree): [short stories], Liudvika Didžiulienė Žmona, Vilnius: Vaga, 1983.