Lithuanian Culture Institute

Irena Daukšaitė-Guobienė

Lithuanian Culture Institute
Irena Daukšaitė-Guobienė

Children’s illustration is a wonderful journey towards oneself, each time experiencing incredible adventures and rediscovering oneself…

Born: September 11, 1942, Kaunas, Lithuania.
1961 – 1966 Graphic art studies, State Art Institute.
1971 Member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association.
Vilnius, Lithuania
Printmaking, small size graphic works, book plates and book illustration.
The artist has held 22 solo exhibitions. She has participated in a number of international artist’s book and illustration exhibitions: Book Art Exhibition, Sarmede Town Hall, Province of Treviso, Italy (1989); Book Art Triennial, Art Exhibition Palace, Vilnius, Lithuania (1990); Apocalypses. International Artist’s Book Triennial, Vilnius, Lithuania (2000); Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition, Italy; Biennial of Illustration Bratislava, Slovak Republic (2002); Book Illustration Triennial, Tallinn, Estonia (2003).
Illustrarium: Contemporary Lithuanian Children’s Book Illustration“, Bologna children’s book fair, Italy, 2011.

The artist’s achievements have been recognized with premiums and diplomas at the annual Lithuanian book art competition The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books, the award and grant of the Lithuanian Government and prizes at the Baltic Book Art Triennials. She is also a recipient of the Main Prize at the Kunstation Kleinsassen Biennial, Fulda, Germany and a grant from Kunstation Kleinsassen, as well as the IBBY Lithuanian Section Award for the Most Beautiful Book of 2008. In 2006 the artist was awarded the Government Award for merits to Lithuanian culture and art
Mitologinės lietuvių sakmės apie dangų ir žemę, L. Klimka, Vilnius: Žara, 2010.
Po kabančiu pasakos tiltu (Under a Hanging Bridge of a Fairytale): [eilėraščiai], Violeta Palčinskaitė, Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis, 2010.
Senovės lietuvių dievai ir deivės (The Gods and Goddesses of Old Lithuania), L. Klimka, Vilnius: Žara, 2009. Premium, The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, 2009; Diploma, Exhibition of Book Art “From Drawing to Book”, 2009, Vilnius.
Mįslės (Riddles), Vilnius: Žara, 2008. IBBY Lithuanian Section Award for the Most Beautiful Book of 2008.
Trečioji Jurgio Paketurio klajonė iš serijos „Pradinuko biblioteka” (The Third Wander of Jurgis Paketuris, from the series “The Library of a Primary School Pupil”), K. Boruta, Kaunas: šviesa, 2007.
Skersgatvio palangės (Windowsills in the Mews): [plays], Vilnius: Alma litera, 2003.
Gerai, bet nelabai (Good, But Not Too Good): [Lithuanian fairy-tales], Vilnius: Žara, 2002. 2nd Premium, The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition.
Ganyklų vaikai (Grassland Children): [short stories], S.Zobarskas, Vilnius; Žara, 2002.
Kibirkštėlė (The Spark): [Lithuanian fairy-tales], Vilnius, Vyturys, 1998. Lithuanian Artists’ Association Prize, Baltic Book Art Triennial, 2000.
Senamiesčio lėlės (The Old Town Dolls): [poems], V. Palčinskaitė, Vilnius: Vyturys, 1987. Premium, The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, 1987; Writers’ Union Premium, Baltic Triennial of Book Art 1989.
Atlėkė garnelis (There Came a Heron): [Lithuanian folk song], Vilnius; Vyturys, 1985, 2nd edition,Vilnius: Mažasis Vyturys, 2001. Premium, The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition; diploma, all-Union competition, 1985.