Lithuanian Culture Institute

Deimantė Rybakovienė

Lietuvos kultūros institutas
Deimantė Rybakovienė

Books…They live next to children and can be big and small, ornate and humble, redolent of paint or of mother’s childhood. Sometimes they make children laugh, sometimes they frighten, sometimes they teach or whisper into the ear the biggest secret, sometimes they comfort and stroke the child’s hand with their soft pages. Illustrating books is great fun – I hope the roaring lions and crocodiles I draw are not that frightening, and the enormous cruise ships will carry boys and girls on the waves of the fairy-tale ocean…

Born: April 5, 1970, Kaunas, Lithuania.
1977 – 1988 Kaunas J. Naujalis Art School.
1988 – 1994 Graphic art studies, Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Vilnius, Lithuania
Book design.
Bratislava Book Triennial, Slovak Republic, 2009.
Lithuanian Book Art Exhibition, Lithuania, 2009.
Illustrarium: Contemporary Lithuanian Children’s Book Illustration“, Bologna children’s book fair, Italy, 2011.
2003 Diploma of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition for the book You Have Sent Me Such a Fine Generation (Tokią gražią kartą man atsiuntei), Vilnius, Lithuania.

2010 Diploma of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition for the book Lithuanian Fables (Lietuvių pasakėčios), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Katinas su riedučiais (A Cat on Roller-skates): [fairy-tale], Ján Ulyčiansky, Vilnius: Nieko rimto, 2011.

Žiemos pasaka (The Winter Tale): [poems for children], Vilnius: Alma littera, 2011.

Lietuvių pasakėčios (Lithuanian Fables): [fables], Vilnius: Žaltvykslės knygos, 2010.

Vieversys (The Lark); [music textbook for the 1st grade], Kaunas: Šviesa, 2010.

Anuomet mūsų namuose (Back Then, in Our House): [novel], Hans Fallada, Vilnius: Žaltvykslė, 2008.

Linksmos pasakos iš rankovės (Merry Tales from the Sleeve): [fairy-tales], Oldřych Syrovatka, 2nd edition, Vilnius: Vaga, 2007.

Tokią gražią kartą man atsiuntei (You Have Sent Me Such a Fine Generation), M. Kvietkauskas and B. Speičytė, Vilnius: Šatrijos Raganos bendrija, 2002.