Arvydas Každailis

Creating for children is a special task. Such creation could be referred to as applied art as there are certain limits in terms of pure self-expression. When creating, I use the images of reality and expressions of human body movement. I think a good work is created only when the artist takes pleasure in creating it, when his idea as if blends into the child’s experiences and fantasies of his inner world, enriching them, and getting the child out of the usual setting into the world created by the artist.
1957 – 1962 Graphic art studies, Institute of Art.
1965 – 1985 Teacher, M.K. Čiurlionis Art Gymnasium.
1969 Member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association.
1987 Member of the Heraldry Commission of Lithuania.
1992 – 1994 Head of the Division of Artistic Training, Ministry of Culture and Education.
1992 – present Lecturer at various art schools.
He has reproduced many coats of arms and flags of Lithuanian towns.
Žiurkės įkurtuvės (The Rat’s Housewarming Party): [poem-fable] Jurgis Baltrušaitis, 4th edition, Vilnius: Meralas, 1998.
Svirplio Muzikanto kelionės (Journeys of the Cricket the Musician): [story], Vytautas Tamulaitis, Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishers, 1997.
Būdas senovės lietuvių kalnėnų ir žemaičių (The Character of the Ancient Lithuanians, Highlanders and Samogitians): [historical prose], Simonas Daukantas, compiled by Birutė Vanagienė, Vilnius: Vaga, 1988. Grand Amber Prize for the 54 illustrations to the book at the Baltic Art Triennial Exhibition.
Džonatanas Livingstonas Žuvėdra (Jonathan Livingston Seagull): [allegorical tale], Richard Bach, Vilnius: Vaga, 1981.
Laivai ir jūrininkai (Ships and Sailors): [prose], Aloyzas Každailis, Vilnius: Vaga, 1981; 2nd edition, 1987.
Žiedai, žiedai, bitutės darbai (Flowers, Flowers, Work of the Bee): [poems], Nekrošius Juozas, Vilnius: Vaga, 1980.
Šimtas girios mįslių (One Hundred Riddles of the Forest): [factual prose], Gediminas Isokas, 2nd edition, Vilnius: Vaga, 1976.
Povilo gatvės vaikai (The Paul Street Boys): [prose], Ferenc Molnar, Vilnius: Vaga, 1973.
Mūsų automobiliai (Our Automobiles): [poems], Algimantas Mikuta, Vilnius: Vaga, 1972.
Pelenė (Cinderella): [Lithuanian fairy-tale], Vilnius: Vaga, 1969.
Našlaitė ir nykštukai (The Little Orphan and Elves): [folk tale], Vilnius: Vaga, 1968.
Kai žemė patekės, arba Laiškai į ateitį (When the Earth Rises, or Letters to the Future): [poems], Vytautas Rudokas, Vilnius: Vaga, 1967; 2nd edition 1980.
Už borto savo noru (Overboard by Choice): A. Bombart, Vilnius: Mintis, 1965.
Žemė ir kosmosas (The Earth and Cosmos): [selected articles], 1–3 books, Vilnius: Mintis, 1964–1970.
Murzius jūreivis (Ragtag Sailor): [short story], Juhan Smuul, Vilnius: National Fiction Publishers, 1963.
Ačiū šelmiui akmenėliui (Thanks to the Little Mischievous Stone): [fairy-tales], Mykolas Sluckis, Vilnius: National Fiction Publishers, 1963.
Maža mergytė raudona kepuryte (Little Girl with a Red Hood): Ramunėlė Jankevičienė, Vilnius: National Fiction Publishers, 1962.
Vienos žemės vaikai (Children of One Land), texts compiled by D. Barkauskaitė et al., Vilnius: National Fiction Publishers 1960.