Lithuanian Culture Institute

Agnes Indre

Lietuvos kultūros institutas
Agnes Indre

Retreat through the windows of reality is always fun, leading us to our childhood or any other dream (it’s also good for you and being an illustrator, I even get paid to do just that). However, you have to be cautious with professionalism and styles in children’s illustrations. In my opinion, deep in their hearts, kids dislike an overly professional attitude, and honestly, true adventures have little in common with the subtleties of style. Yet, I value believability: kids or I have no interest in the highest castles if it is impossible to live in them, or at least draw them… so, I’d say, imagination comes first.

Born: December 27, 1963, Vilnius, Lithuania.
She studied at M.K.Ciurlionis School of Arts, Vilnius Academy of Arts, J. Tallat-Kelpsa Music College.
As an illustrator, she has cooperated with publishing houses in Lithuania, Germany (“J.F. Schreiber Verlag”) and Taiwan (“Grimm Press”).
Vilnius, Lithuania
Book illustration.
She is a permanent participant of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition, has taken part in Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) and Premi Internacional Catalonia D’Illustracio (Barcelona).
Illustrarium: Contemporary Lithuanian Children’s Book Illustration“, Bologna children’s book fair, Italy, 2011.
Pasaka apie Dievo vaikelį (with CD), Vytautas V. Landsbergis, Vilnius: Dominicus Lituanus, 2011.
Konstitucijos istorija vaikams (A History of the Constitution for Children), Andrius Vaišnys, Vilnius: Official gazette Valstybes zinios, 2003.
Faustas (Faust), J.W. Goethe, Vilnius: Tyto alba, 1999.
The Tales of Oscar Wilde, Taipei: Grimm Press, 1998.
King Lear: [illustrated Shakespeare], Charles Lamb, Taipei: Grimm Press, 1995.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, O. Wilde, Taipei: Grimm Press, 1994.
Bluebeard: [fairy-tale], K.T.Hao, Taipei: Grimm Press, 1993.
Gulliver’s Travels: [story], Jonathan Swift, Esslingen: J. F. Schreiber Verlag, 1993.
Trakšt ir Brakšt (Traksht and Braksht): [poems], Alma Karosaitės, Vilnius; Vyturys, 1989.
Tamsos Didžiulis Katinas (The Huge Cat of Darkness) : [short stories], Valdemaras Kukulas, Vilnius: Vyturys, 1988.