Call selection results
First call for 2025-2026 projects:
Translations of the following books will be funded in the 1st round of the Translation Contest:
- Tomas Venclova, the collection of poems Eufemidžių giraitė (The Grove of the Eumenides), translated to English by Ellen Hinsey, Diana Senechal, Rimis Uzgiris, published by Bloodaxe Books (United Kingdom),
- Jurgis Kunčinas, the novel Tūla (Tula), translated to Estonian by Tiina Kattel, published by Kultuurileht (Estonia),
- Kotryna Zylė, the novel Mylimi kaulai (Beloved Bones), translated to Latvian by Dace Meiere, published by Jāņa Rozes apgāds (Latvia),
- Publication dedicated to Lithuanian literature in the journal Tijdschrift Terras. Authors: Marius Ivaškevičius, Jaroslav Melnik, Sara Poisson, Laurynas Katkus, Ieva Toleikytė, Giedrė Kazlauskaitė, excerpts from books Tomas Mūras, Tolima erdvė (Distant Space), Šito gyvenimo skonis (A Taste of This Life), Paukščiai virš Lenino aikštės (Birds over Lenin Square); translated to Dutch by Anita van der Molen, published by Stichting iwosyg (Netherlands),
- Danutė Kalinauskaitė, the novel Baltieji prieš juoduosius (White vs. Black), translated to French by Miglė Dulskytė, published by Les Éditions Bleu et Jaune (France),
- Mantas Adomėnas, the ovel Moneta & labirintas (The Coin and the Labyrinth) II volume, translated to Latvian by Dace Meiere, published by Zvaigzne ABC (Latvia),
- Jonas Mekas, Scrapbook of the Sixties: Writings 1954-2010, translated from English to Italian by Giuseppe Lucchesini, published by Quodlibet (Italy),
- Anthology of poems Iš Šiaurės Jeruzalės (From the Jerusalem of the North), translated to German by Cornelius Hell, published by Mediathoughs Verlag (Germany),
- Unė Kaunaitė, the novel 2084, translated to German by Markus Roduner, published by Mitteldeutscher Verlag (Germany),
- Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis Tapyba. Painting, the album-catalogue, translated to Ukrainian by Beatričė Beliavciv, published by Helvetica publishing House (Ukraine),
- Ričardas Gavelis, the novel Jauno žmogaus memuarai (Memoirs of a Life Cut Short), translated to Spanish by Chordana Gonsales Krus, published by Asociación La Tortuga Búlgara (Spain),
- Kristina Sabaliauskaitė, the novel Silva rerum, I volume, translated to Belarusian by Siarhej Šupa, published by Vesna Vaško (Czech Republic),
- Kristina Sabaliauskaitė, the novel Silva rerum, II volume, translated to Belarusian by Siarhej Šupa, published by Vesna Vaško (Czech Republic),
- Gabija Grušaitė, the novel Grybo sapnas (The Mycelium Dream), translated to Latvian by Una Alksne, published by Vārdu vārti (Latvia),
- Ramunė Marcinkevičiūtė, Ramunė Balevičiūtė, the guide Vadovas po šiuolaikinį Lietuvos teatrą. Vardai ir spektakliai (Contemporary Lithuanian Theatre. Names and Performances), translated from English to Georgian by Ketevan Maisuradze, published by Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University (Georgia).
Funding for translations of illustrated books
- Marius Marcinkevičius, Inga Dagilė, the picture book Akmenėlis (The Pebble), translated to Japanese by Aya Kimura, published by Choubunsha Publishing co (Japan),
- Marius Marcinkevičius, Inga Dagilė, the picture book Akmenėlis (The Pebble), translated to Danish by Stefan Anbro, published by Straarup & Co (Denmark),
- Vytautė Žilinskaitė, Stasys Eidrigevičius, the book Robotas ir peteliškė (The Robot and the Moth), translated to Japanese by Eiko Sakurai, published by Green seed books (Japan),
- Evelina Daciūtė, Aušra Kiudulaitė, the picture book Laimė yra lapė (The Fox on the Swing), translated to Czech by Anna Sedláčková, published by Paseka (Czech Republic),
- Dovilė Zavedskaitė, Patricija Bliuj-Stodulska, the picture book Paštininkas ir serbentai (The Postman and the Currants), translated to Swedish by Greta Barkauskytė, published by Pionier press (Sweden),
- Kotryna Zylė, Inga Dagilė, the picture book Geriausia diena (The Best Day), translated from English to Macedonian by Maja Lazarevska, published by Artkonekt (North Macedonia),
- Jurga Vilė, Valentina Černiauskaitė, the picture book Šuo, kuris išeina naktį (The Dog Who Goes for a Walk at Night), translated to Korean by Seo Jinseok, published by Choi Yoonjung, Barambooks (South Korea),
- Jurga Vilė, Agnė Nananai, the picture book Kašalotų radijas (Cachalot Radio), translated to Latvian by Jana Rūce (pseudonym: Jana Egle), published by Baltais valis (Latvia),
- Benas Bėrantas, Vilija Kvieskaitė, the picture book Baubaimė (Bugbearfear) translated from English to Azeri by Pervana Abdullayeva, published by Qanun (Azerbaijan),
- Kęstutis Kasparavičius, the picture book Meškelionė Didžioji kalėdinė Meškinų šeimynos kelionė aplink pasaulį (The Great Christmas Trip of the Bear Family Around the World), translated from English to Albanian by Ajsela Koka, published by Dritan Publishing House (Albania).
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