Siuzanna Paukshtela
Year and place of birth
1987, Puchavichy (Belarus)Education
Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations and Political Science;Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, intensive Lithuanian language course .
Belarusian – nativeTranslates from Lithuanian and English into Belarusian and Russian
Work activities
Secretary-referent at the Belarusian Writers’ Union;Translator at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Minsk;
Internship at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, the Culture Support Fund
Worth mentioning
Member of the Belarusian Writers’ UnionPrize “Debut” for the translation of fiction - Alvydas Šlepikas’ book “Lietaus dievas”
Translated books
- Alvydas Šlepikas, Бог дажджу, (Lietaus dievas). Minsk: Logvin House of Literature, 2016.
- Joakimas Liutauras Chreptavičius, Аб прыродным праве, (Apie gamtos tvarką). Vilnius: Santara, 2014.
Anthologies or anthologies translated and translated by an interpreter
Publications in periodicals
- Jonas Biliūnas, “Жабрак” („Ubagas“), in Literatūrinė Baltarusija, December 2012.
- Juozas Grušas, “Голыя выглядаюць непрыгожа” („Nuogi atrodo negražiai”), in Dziejaslou, February 2013.
- Giedra Radvilavičiūtė, “Пацыентка №27” („Pacientė Nr. 27“), in Dziejaslou, March 2015.