Forest as a Journal, 2021 (1)

The Lithuanian Culture Institute presents a new journal, * as a Journal, for readers around the world interested in culture. Overcoming the isolation imposed by the pandemic, the new magazine opens up a unique space for cultural cooperation. It brings together creators, curators and researchers from Lithuania and various foreign countries to reflect on topics of global concern, and readers are invited to look at those topicalities from unexpected cultural perspectives.
Each different topic will be explored in depth by the editors specially invited for each issue and the team of collaborating authors they will bring together. The guest editors of the first issue are the duo of architects and researchers Jurga Daubaraitė and Jonas Žukauskas, who together with 26 artists, curators and researchers from Estonia, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Germany reflected on the theme of forest, resulting in the magazine changing from * as a Journal to Forest as a Journal.
Jurga and Jonas invite the readers to look at the forest as a man-made space that inevitably depends on its actions: “It is no longer nature, but rather infrastructure, an environment of natural systems that is managed, exploited and regulated by human interventions, technologies, industries, institutions and agencies.”
“In this issue, we analyse the practices and forces that shape and influence forest images and concepts. We ask how cultural practices expand the “optics” that help the public perceive the forest,” share the editors of the first issue, Jurga Daubaraitė and Jonas Žukauskas.
The theme of the forest will be presented in the magazine from different perspectives by photographer and biologist Jochen Lempert, writer Jonas Žakaitis and designers, architects and founders of the cultural sauna (Kultuurisauna) Nene Tsuboi and Tuomas Toivonen interviewed by him, as well as curator, writer and researcher Sofia Lemos who writes about the work of Lina Lapelytė and Mantas Petraitis. Jurga Daubaraitė and Jonas Žukauskas talk to the duo of architects and artists, Cooking Sections (Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe), nominated for the most prestigious British award for visual artists, the Turner Prize 2021.
The first issue will also feature pieces by researcher of visual arts, architecture and environmental policy Gabrielė Grigorjeva, photographers Jonathan Lovekin and David Grandorge, architect and researcher Signe Pelne, a conversation between film director, biologist Mindaugas Survila and director Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, also pieces by writer, art historian Amelia Groom who writes about the work of the artist Eglė Budvytytė, artist and architect Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė, as well as an artist Laura Garbštienė and nature researcher Onutė Grigaitė interviewed by the curators of the issue. Photographer Rasa Juškevičiūtė and cultural journalist Kotryna Lingienė presents the results of their visit to the studio and archive of furniture designer Jonas Prapuolenis. The authors of the issue were also joined by designer Monika Janulevičiūtė and curator, head of the Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts Eglija Inzule. Curator Virginija Januškevičiūtė presents photographer Algirdas Šeškus, who has taken up painting again.
The design of the issue, reflecting the theme of the forest, was created by graphic designer Gailė Pranckūnaitė.
* as a Journal is biannual.
Authors, Editors
Jurga Daubaraitė and Jonas Žukauskas
Year of publication:
Darius Sužiedelis (pp. 40-53, pp. 74-79)
English language editor Gemma Lloyd
Scientific editor Silvija Šaudytė-Manton (pp. 40-53, pp. 100-109)
144 pages
Where to read?
Martyno Mažvydo National Library of Lithuania
Kaunas Country Public Library
The Wroblewski Library of The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Vilnius University Library
CAC Reading room
Purchases at:
Antenne Books
Extra info:
Editorial board:
Vaiva Grainytė
Adomas Narkevičius
Rūta Statulevičiūtė-Kaučikienė
Editor: Kotryna Lingienė
Subscription and distribution inquiries: