WIE DER GEPÖKELTE STIER NACH KONSTANZ FUHR: Kulinarische Wechselbeziehungen zwichen Litauen und Deutschland mit 31 Rezepten

The publication “Wie der gepökelte Stier nach Konstanz fuhr. Kulinarische Wechsselbeziehungen zwischen Litauen und Deutschland mit 31 Rezepten” reveals cultural and social links between Lithuania and Germany from the first records of gastrodiplomacy until now. The book offers two analyses: the first one introduces the reader to the culinary culture of Lithuania and influences that informed it, while the second analysis looks at the German aspects of the interchange of ideas and influences. This study is supplemented by 31 historical recipes with photographs, archive material, and memories of Lithuanian and German travellers about places they visited, dishes they tasted and people they met.
In 2018, the book was included among the 15 best culinary publications in the world by the „World Gourmand Cookbook Awards“ jury.
Authors, Editors
Author of the introduction: Luca Siermann
Authors: Rimvydas Laužikas, Antanas Astrauskas
Year of publication:
Saskia Drude, Liane Klein
Markus Roduner
189 p.
Where to read?
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Vilnius University Library
Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Kaunas country public Library
Culinary Heritage Museum of Lithuania
National Library of Latvia
Where to buy:
“EUREKA!” book shop, S. Daukanto a. 2A, Vilnius
Vilnius University book shops „LITTERA“, Universiteto g. 5, Vilnius
“AKADEMINĖ KNYGA” book shop, Universiteto g. 4, Vilnius
“NARVESEN” book shop, Vilnius Airport, Rodūnios kl. 10A, Vilnius
“MO” museum, Pylimo g. 17, Vilnius
Extra info:
You can purchase this book at the restaurant „Ertlio namas“