Lithuanian Culture Institute

The Lithuanian Season in France launched with a conference at the Sorbonne

Lithuanian Culture Institute

The Lithuanian Season in France began with a weekend of events LABAS! or HELLO!, opening with a conference at the Sorbonne University in Paris.

The conference titled Lithuania and France: distant neighbours, common experience is the result of the joint effort between Vilnius University and Sorbonne University. The conference, prepared for almost a year, brings together the most prominent academics and thinkers of the two countries to overview the relations between Lithuania and France, as well as their respective cultures, challenges, and shared perspectives.

“Today, as the Lithuanian Season opens in France, we have several hundred events and partnerships lined up. This shows that Lithuanian art, science, and culture have already attracted many professionals throughout France. In three months, at the close of the Season, we hope that we will become better known to French audiences as well. From our side, we, Lithuanian artists, promise to continue spreading our optimism, which seems to be on its way to becoming the calling card of modern Lithuania”, said Virginija Vitkienė, commissioner of the Season in France.

Julija Reklaitė, head of the Lithuanian Culture Institute, emphasised that the Lithuanian Season in France is the first comprehensive representation of Lithuania abroad of its kind, and is a truly special celebration and recognition of the long and challenging path Lithuania has travelled and the progress it achieved in just over three decades of its independence.

“The Lithuanian Season is, alas, too short for us to show the best of ourselves, but I believe that it will be enough to see ourselves in another, as the Season’s slogan invites us, and to arouse curiosity. A long journey full of learming and discovery is still ahead of us, a journey transgressing the boundaries of cities, countries, and the framework of the Season. I wish everyone to discover something different, something that would speak to them directly, something that would lead to sustainable and long-term relationships”, said Julija Reklaitė.

From 12 September to 12 December, events of the Lithuanian Season will take place in more than 80 cities throughout France. About 130 French and a similar number of Lithuanian cultural organisations will present various partnership projects. More than half a million visitors are expected to attend the events.

The Lithuanian Season in France is organised by the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the French Institute in Paris. Together, they share the responsibility of engaging artists and relevant institutions from both countries and programming the Season, as well as its communication in France.