“Litewski Focus“ at the festival “Wschód Kultury – Inne Brzmienia” in Lublin

The presentation of Lithuanian culture “Litewski Focus” was prepared by the Lithuanian Culture Institute and cultural attaché Rasa Rimickaitė in close collaboration with Polish and Lithuanian partners in the line-up of the festival „Wschód Kultury – Inne Brzmienia“ in Lublin in 27-30 Jun 2019.
The “Litewski Focus” programme revealed a good mixture of contemporary Lithuanian culture: vibrant, intellectually charged, preoccupied with memory as much as engaged in experiments. From jazz virtuosos “Trio Infiltrators” (Dmitrij Golovanov, Jan Maksimovič, Arkadij Gotesman) to rock band “Garbanotas”, experimental electronic jazz trio “Sheep Got Waxed”, sensitive ambient music of “FUME” and experimental, post-punk, electronic, sad dance phenomenon “Solo Ansamblis”; from the bestselling authors – Kristina Sabaliauskaitė and her mesmerizing tetralogy “Silva rerum” reviving history of the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth and Herkus Kunčius who presented his newly translated book “Obrazki litewskie” („Lietuviškos apybraižos“) to award winning illustrators Kęstutis Kasparavičius, Inga Dagilė, Rasa Jančiauskaitė, Aušra Kiudulaitė, Elena Selena; from miscellaneous film programme to thought-provoking photography exhibitions, creative workshops and discussions, you could find it all in “Litewski Focus” programme at the „Wschód Kultury – Inne Brzmienia“ for your delight and inspiration.
The 450th anniversary of signing the Union of Lublin has been a great opportunity to discover and to enjoy Lithuanian culture in Lublin!
22 Jun 2019, Saturday
Opening of the Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Children Books Illustrations exhibition “Peekaboo. Graphic design for kids”
At the exhibition creation by Lithuanian illustrators Kęstutis Kasparavičius, Inga Dagilė, Rasa Jančiauskaitė, Aušra Kiudulaitė, Elena Selena. Curated by Ewa Solarz (Poland).
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a/7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Open from 22 Jun till 30 October 2019
27 Jun 2019, Thursday
“Lithuanian Old Towns” | Exhibition of Romualdas Požerskis’ photography
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Lithuanian Photographers Association, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Open from 27 Jun till 30 July 2019
“From unknown to unknown: World War II refugees in Lithuania” | Exhibition of Bolesława and Edmund Zdanowscy photography
Curated by Vaida Sirvydaitė-Rakutienė
Venue – The Hartwig Alley | ul. Kowalska 3, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Open from 27 Jun till 30 July 2019
Lithuanian literature books collection at the bookstore “Slowobranie” | Exhibition
Venue – Slowobranie | Błonia Pod Zamkiem, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Open from 27 Jun till 30 Jun 2019
Lithuanian film programme at Lublin festival film programme “Move East Movie”
“Cud” („Stebuklas“ / “Miracle”), dir. Eglė Vertelytė; prod. Litwa; 2017; 91 min.
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Lithuanian Film Centre, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Participants Giedrius Kiela, Vytautas Leistrumas, Jonas Šarkus, Sergejus Ivanovas, Ervinas Grecevičius, Ignas Juzokas
Vieta – Klub Festiwalowy | Błonia Pod Zamkiem, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by Damn Good, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
28 Jun 2019, Friday
Lithuanian film programme at Lublin festival film programme “Move East Movie”
“Pradawny las” („Sengirė“ / “The Ancient Woods”), dir. Mindaugas Survila; prod. Litwa, Estonia, Niemcy; 2017; 85 min.
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Lithuanian Film Centre, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Participants Šarūnas Joneikis, Mantas Steponas Joneikis, Kipras Pugačiukas, Mantas Augustaitis, Tomas Verbaitis
Venue – Klub Festiwalowy | Błonia Pod Zamkiem, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by Tilto namai, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
29 Jun 2019, Saturday
Literary Breakfast – The Writer’s Responsibility in Transmitting Historical Truth (pt 1)
Participants Kristina Sabaliauskaitė (Lithuania), Ola Hnatiuk (Poland | Ukraine), Natalka Śniadanko (Ukraine)
Venue – Próba Cafe | ul. Grodzka 5a, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Characters Made by Hand – Arts Workshop with the Lithuanian Illustrator Rasa Jančiauskaitė
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
13:00- 14:30
Pop-Up! – 3d Illustrations Workshop with the Illustrator Elena Selena
Venue – VIVO! | ul. Unii Lubelskiej 2, 20-108 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
“What does Lithuania sound like?” | Discussion about the Lithuanian music market
Participants Vilma Dzienaitė, Andrzej Bong, Adas Gecevičius (Lithuania)
Venue – Próba Cafe | ul. Grodzka 5a, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Polish premiere of Herkus Kunčius‘ book “Obrazki litewskie” („Lietuviškos apybraižos“)
Participants Herkus Kunčius (Lithuania), Ołeksandr Bojczenko (Ukraine)
Venue – Próba Café | ul. Grodzka 5a, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Lithuanian film programme at Lublin festival film programme “Move East Movie”
“Jak wygraliśmy rewolucję” („Kaip mes žaidėme revoliuciją” / “How We Play the Revolution”), dir. Giedre Žickytė; prod. Litwa, Francja; 2012; 67 min
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Lithuanian Film Centre, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Simonas Šipavičius, Adas Gecevičius, Paulius Vaškas, Tomas Verbaitis
Venue – Klub Festiwalowy | Błonia Pod Zamkiem, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by Tilto namai, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Participant Maksimilianas Opraška
Venue – Klub Festiwalowy | Błonia Pod Zamkiem, 20-400 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, suru.lt, Lithuanian Culture Institute
30 Jun 2019, Sunday
10:30- 12:00
Pop-Up! – 3d Illustrations Workshop with the Illustrator Elena Selena
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Literary Breakfast – The Writer’s Responsibility in Transmitting Historical Truth (pt 2)
Participants Herkus Kunčius (Lithuania), Jurij Andruchowycz (Ukraine), Marcin Wroński (Poland)
Venue – Próba Cafe | ul. Grodzka 5a, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Characters Made by Hand – Arts Workshop with the Lithuanian Illustrator Rasa Jančiauskaitė
Venue – VIVO! | ul. Unii Lubelskiej 2, 20-108 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Lithuanian film programme at Lublin festival film programme “Move East Movie”
“Dzieci z Hotelu Ameryka” („Vaikai iš „Amerikos” viešbučio“ / “Children from the Hotel America”), dir. Raimundas Banionis; prod. ZSRR; 1990; 88 min
Venue – Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | ul. Grodzka 5a / 7, 20-112 Lublin
Organized by Lithuanian Film Centre, Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Participants Dmitrij Golovanov, Jan Maksimovič, Arkadij Gotesman
Venue – Teatr Stary | Jezuicka 18, 20-113 Lublin
Organized by Warsztaty Kultury, Lithuanian Culture Institute
“Litewski focus” at the festival “Wschod Kultury – Inne Brzmienia” in Lublin was organized and curated by Lithuanian Culture Institute and cultural attaché in Poland Rasa Rimickaitė. A partner of the presentation of the Lithuanian culture at the festival – “Warsztaty Kultury”.
Partners of the “Litewski focus” in Lithuania: Lithuanian Film Centre, Tilto namai, Lithuanian Photographers Association, M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Damn Good, suru.lt
Presentation of the Lithuanian culture “Litewski focus” at the festival “Wschod Kultury – Inne Brzmienia” is partially financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania