Mantas Lesauskas

Classical Valet Stand
Created: 2015
Manufacturer: Honorific Ltd
The designer Mantas Lesauskas (born 1984) created a piece of furniture that reflects the values that he holds important with his take on men’s fashion and accessories, gentlemanly manners, daily rituals and classic design. The Classical Valet Stand has three variations and is made to order from premium black American walnut with solid brass fittings. It can also be described as a luxurious sculptural object, or even the portrait of a gentlemen, and for the designer it’s a way to interact with an exclusive male audience, one that likes high quality and long-lasting things.
M. Lesauskas is a graduate of the Department of Design at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. In his earlier projects he pursued conceptual and social design theories. His Bin Toy, Millegome, Eurofurniture (2008), It’s Also a Table (2009) expressed the importance of ecological issues and questioned the value of newly created objects. In 2011, he was awarded an art licentiate degree after defending an art project and thesis entitled ‘Narratives of Nostalgia in Design Objects’. Since 2009 he has been at teaching at institutions of higher education, supervising graduate theses, and participating in various art and design projects in Lithuania and abroad.