Palekas ARCH Studio

Vilnius University Library Centre for Scientific Communication and Information. Category: public building
Design: 2007–2009
Construction: 2010–2012
Address: Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius
Architects: Rolandas Palekas, Bartas Puzonas, Alma Palekienė, Petras Išora, Matas Šiupšinskas, Monika Zemlickaitė, Lina Sužiedelytė, Aidas Barzda, Jurga Garšvaitė, Vilmantas Bavarskis
Established in 2000, the practice of the architect Rolandas Palekas (born 1963) has cultivated a light and sensitive style. The firm’s architects emphasize respect for people and the environment. In teaching at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and giving lectures abroad, Palekas endeavours to convey these values to aspiring architects. His practice has carried out several subtle projects and been successful in a number of architectural competitions. The most significant award was third prize for a project called Cut in the international competition for the extension to Stockholm Library.
The new Vilnius University library, designed by R. Palekas ARCH Studio, stands surrounded by nature and academic buildings. It is distinguished byits forceful architectural expression and its dynamic silhouette. It consists of three expressively geometric bodies connected by a low glass atrium. The volumes covered with light warm-coloured ceramic appear to be self-contained at first glance, but the glass windows look on to a pine forest and allow visitors to the library the opportunity to constantly feel the proximity of the trees in the forest. Expressive interior spaces and the restrained use of colour create a strong emotional sense of place. This building is a contemporary space that is always open to visitors, dedicated to collaborating and sharing information. The social character of the building is further enhanced by an interior courtyard and a square with an amphitheatre.