Lithuanian Culture Institute

Photo Gallery of the Lithuania- Ukraine project

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, contemporary opera performance „Have a good day”

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, Press conference

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, theater perpormances  „The Lamb’s Journey“ (Stalo teatras/ Table Theater) and „Colourful Games“ (Dansema). 

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, theater perpormance „The Lower Depths“ 

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, theater perpormance „Krapp’s Last Tape“ 

International Festival of Contemporary Art “Gogolfest”, theater perpormance „The Feast of Dialectics“ (Stalo teatras/ Table Theatre)

Performance of Eglė Budvytytė  „Choreography for the Running Male“ 

Fashio Design exhibition of Baltic states „N WIND SHOWCASE BALTIC“

Lithuanian Writers at the International Arsenal Book Festival

Contemporary Lithuanian and Ukrainian Children Book Illustrators
workshop tour

Lithuanian Contemporary Textile: exhibitions and workshops

Lithuanian Contemporary Photography Exhibition

Lithuanian Contemporary Dance: “White Lullaby” at International Dance Festival “Zelyonka”

Lithuanian Contemporary Dance: “Dior in Moscow” at International Dance Festival “Zelyonka”