Lithuanian Culture Institute

Sigutė Chlebinskaitė

Lithuanian Culture Institute
Sigutė Chlebinskaitė

Born: October 4, 1977, Vilnius, Lithuania.
1996 Graduated from M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts.
1996 – 2001 Graphic art studies, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design and Salzburg Summer Academy.
2008 Internship, International Youth Library in Munich.

She is a member of IBBY Lithuanian Section and Vilnius Book Fair committee and a jury member of the International Illustration Competition Associazione Culturale Teatrio (Italy).

The artist’s grandmother Taida Balčiūnienė (b. 1925) is a celebrated Lithuanian book illustrator. Her father Saulius Chlebinskas (1953–1999) and mother Taida Balčiūnaitė (b.1952) are famous book artists.

Vilnius, Lithuania

In 2008 she became an art director of the Publishing House of Vilnius Academy of Arts. She has initiated and implemented a number of projects and exhibitions relating to the art of the book in Lithuania and abroad; In 2001 she launched a creative travelling studio “You Can Create a Book”, introducing children to different stages in the history of books; clay tables, block books, leporello (accordion-fold), pop-up books; calligraphy, the Braille alphabet, printing of book plates, and binding of the book, as well as the influence of the invention of photography (cyanotype, pinhole) on the development of the book. Participants of the program get to meet writers, illustrators and printers of the books they read.
International Youth Competition and Exhibition “Italy in My Dreams”, Russia, Italy, 1990.

Young Artists Exhibition “Vox Humana”, Ostrava–Poruba, Czech Republic, 1998.

Christmas Mini Print Exhibition, gallery “Vartai”, Vilnius, 1998.

Mini Print Exhibition, Sint Niklaas, Belgium, 1999.

Solo exhibition, Munich, Germany, 1999.

Book Art Exhibition, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000.

7th Book Art Triennial “Vilnius 2000”, gallery “Arka”, Vilnius, 2000.

Group Artist’s Book Exhibition, Wolfakirchen, Germany, 2001.

Young Lithuanian Artists Exhibition, gallery “Stiklo karoliukai”, Vilnius, 2002.

Paper Art Symposium Exhibition, Palmovka Synagogue, Prague, Czech Republic, 2003.

“Sigutė’s Books”, Druskininkai City Museum, 2004.

Exposition “Ulia knygulia” commemorating the World Book and Copyright Day, National UNESCO gallery, Vilnius, 2005.

Intrenational Illustration Biennial, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005.

Exhibition “Le immagini della fantasia”, Sarmede, Italy;. Munich, Germany, 2005–2006.

Illustrarium: Contemporary Lithuanian Children’s Book Illustration“, Bologna children’s book fair, Italy, 2011.

Sigutė Chlebinskaitė has been honoured with the highest awards at the Lithuanian and Baltic competitions of the Most Beautiful Books of the Year, Young Artist’s Creative Debut Award from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, the premium for promotion of reading from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. The artist has received the Medal of the Order for Merits to Lithuania. The leporello books created by her are included in the Lithuanian Book of Records. She received a Ricochet-Jeunes “Prix Octogone” and was put on IBBY’s List of Honour for her illustration debut Kas kiemely daros (What’s Happening in the Yard), a poetry book by Kazys Jakubėnas.
(illustrations, book design)
Kuosos Kro gyvenimas ir atvirkščiai (The Life of Jackdaw Kro and Vice Versa ): [poems for children], Vladas Braziūnas, Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2011. Diploma of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2012.

Miestas kitaip (City. A Different Angle): [pinhole photography album], Gintautas Trimakas, Vilnius: Kitos knygos, 2009.

Gintautas Gavenavičius. Lino mūka (Gintautas Gavenavičius. Flaxen mysteries), M. Gavenavičienė, I. Pleikienė, Vilnius: Publishing House of Vilnius Academy of Arts, 2009. Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2010.

Rožės / Les Roses (Roses / Les Roses): [poems], R. M. Rilke, Vilnius: Apostrofa, 2009.

Sentimentalus romansas: Rinktiniai eilėraščiai: [poems], A. A. Jonynas, Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2009. Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2010.

Vilkas vienaakis (One-eyed Wolf): [poems], Juris Kronbergs, Vilnius: Kronta, 2008.

Biblijos išmintis (The wisdom of Bible), Iris Seidenstricker, Vilnius: Alma littera, 2008. Diploma of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2009.

Tapyba (Painting): [album]Aloyzas Stasiulevičius, Vilnius: Publishing House of Vilnius Academy of Arts, 2006. Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2007.

Fotografijos (Photos): [photo album], Vytautas Balčytis, Vilnius: Apostrofa, 2006. Incentive Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2007.

Metimas (Throw): [poems], Rolandas Rastauskas, Vilnius: Apostrofa, 2006. Incentive Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania; Diploma of the at the Baltic Book Art competition, 2007.

Mundus emblematum: XVII a. Vilniaus spaudinių iliustracijos (Mundus emblematum: 17th Century Vilnius Imprint Illustrations), Jolita Liškevičienė, Vilnius: Publishing House of Vilnius Academy of Arts, 2005. Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2006.

Baltas (White): [haiku poems], Paulius Lai Vėjus Normantas, Vilnius: Petro ofsetas, 2005.

Iš naminio audimo dainos (Homespun Songs): [composition for the poet’s voice and the sound of abundance], Vladas Braziūnas, Algirdas Klova, Vilnius: Kronta, 2005. Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2006.

Carmina Burana. Vagantų poezija (Carmina Burana. Vagants’ poetry): [poems], Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2003. Incentive Premium and the Premium for the Young Artist of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania, 2004.

Kas kiemely daros (What’s Happening in the Yard): [poems for children], Kazys Jakubėnas, Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis, 2003. Ricochet-Jeunes “Prix Octogone”, France; Incentive Premium of The Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books Competition, Lithuania; IBBY Lithuanian Section Award for the most artistic book for children, Lithuania, 2004; put on IBBY’s List of Honour, 2006.