Lithuanian Culture Institute
Architecture, Lithuanian Culture Guide

IMPLMNT architects

Photo of exhibition

In Art We Trust, an exhibition

Type: exhibition architecture

Implemented: 2019 m.

Address: Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius 04215

Creators: Aurimas Syrusas (b. 1987), Ričardas Bertašius (b. 1993), Greta Šidlauskaitė (b. 1993), Eglė Gečaitė (b. 1987), Vilius Dringelis (b. 1989)


The IMPLMNT architectural team, together since 2016, has been drawing attention and winning awards at numerous competitions for public architecture. One of the team’s most prominent accomplishments was winning first place in the Stasys Eidrigevičius Arts Centre competition. The IMPMNT team has also successfully implemented subtle interiors, designed exhibition architecture, and actively participated in various artistic projects.

The In Art We Trust exhibition was part of the 2019 ArtVilnius arts festival. The structure of the exhibition is an interpretation of a centuries-old church layout. An iconic, canonized arrangement is brought to life using contemporary, fragile industrial materials: polycarbonate panels and steel partition profiles. In the words of the designers, “the massive and mysterious walls of the church seem to transform into a transparent screen, bringing us closer to the mysteries of the ages.”

Diffused light scatters across the wall surfaces to create a mystical, ethereal atmosphere. Contrast is amplified and introduced by a feature which the architects make no effort to conceal: the utilitarian, hangar-type construction at the centre of the exhibition hall, juxtaposed against the religious theme. Painting and architecture, old and new, the profane and the sacred all come together here into one expanse – asking questions and allowing visitors to explore their own interpretations and doubts.

“In Art We Trust” by Lewben Art Foundation at the ArtVilnius’19. Photo by Leonas Garbačauskas.